The Royal Burgh of Peebles
Highland Games Association
Chris Patterson
Peebles Highland Games Committee meets monthly between March and October and we are always looking for volunteers to help plan, organise and run the event. With the Games taking place on a single day at the start of September each year, the commitment we require from volunteers range from an hour or two manning the gates or assisting with car parking on the day of the Games, to helping set up the day before or a few hours a month if you are interested in joining the committee. We are a friendly group who take a great pride in welcoming new members so please call us on 07985522156 if you are interested in finding out more.
Welcome to the 2022 Peebles Highland Games
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Peebles Highland Games. Having been heavily involved in the running of the Games for some time I’m aware of the hard work and dedication shown by members of our committee who continually strive to make our event better year on year.
Following the retirement of a number of well-known faces in the past few years we have welcomed several new members onto our Committee. There’s no doubt that the Games has greatly benefitted from their fresh perspective and new ideas whilst at the same time still drawing on the knowledge and experience of our more senior committee members. Once again, we have a strong and enthusiastic committee which stands us in good for the years to come.
The core events of our Highland Games are Pipe Band Competitions, Traditional Heavy Events including tossing the caber, and Highland Dancing and Peebles Highland Games is very grateful to the officials, judges and compilers from the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association, Scottish Official Highland Dancing Association and Scottish Heavy Events Officials for their ongoing support.
No event such as ours would be possible without the generosity or our sponsors, programme advertisers and donations from well-wishers. These significant contributions to our Games are very much appreciated. We are also indebted to Scottish Borders Council for the use of Hay Lodge Park and to Police Scotland for their assistance in relation to the safety and security of the Games.
I’ve already mentioned my appreciation of our hard working Organising Committee but must also thank the numerous volunteers who help us set up the field, man the gates, staff the bar and hospitality tents and help us in so many ways to make the Games a success each year.